míng fēi
意思解释:(Bright the wife of a prince)汉元帝宫人王嫱字昭君,晋代避司马昭(文帝)讳,改称明君,后人又称之为明妃。
Namely Chinese yuan Wang Zhaojun of person of palace of the Supreme Being. Advance generation avoids Sima Zhaohui, change weigh Ming Jun, later generations changes again weigh bright the wife of a prince. Jiang Yan is hate endowed with : Thin
明组词、妃组词、 尼寺、事踪、归尽、凭应、夷灶、垂杨、彩衣、连衣、羽物、安否、罢困、骈白、嘎斯、那厢、添差、九暑、府干、车螯、重算、明妃、