fǔ gān
意思解释:(Government office works)宋时显贵邸宅中的侍从。干,干办。
One rain on the west city color, tao Jiaxin from Qing Dynasty. Hill is held in Guo cent, the cloud coils next lake Cheng. The government office hears driftwood, signs of human habitation enters useless town. Unforgettable Hunan all is in, have Yue Yinsheng newly. ...
府组词、干组词、 茂材、簿录、契父、尼寺、事踪、归尽、凭应、夷灶、垂杨、彩衣、连衣、羽物、安否、罢困、骈白、嘎斯、那厢、添差、九暑、府干、