gā sī
意思解释:(this)亦作“嘠斯”。 [英gas]毒气。
< name > gas. Borrow from English Gas. (One) word of glue distant official. Liaoning red east [. (2) word of Central Plains official. Xinjiang is spat rash time [the individual draws out coalpit to want caution, well within has ~ , lane is bad to have an accident. (3) Lan Yinguan word. Xinjiang Urumqi [. ...
嘎组词、斯组词、 口技、大点、抚御、作性、茂材、簿录、契父、尼寺、事踪、归尽、凭应、夷灶、垂杨、彩衣、连衣、羽物、安否、罢困、骈白、嘎斯、