mín yí
意思解释:(Civilian Yi)犹人伦。旧指人与人之间相处的伦理道德准则。
Paratactic Yi, law, groovy. Ethical morality of people, custom Jiaohua of the society. Clear · Chen Que does emperor learn : Ang climbs ハ canister to return favour of bamboo-plaited basket or suitcase of ancient wine vessel of of the abundant that read ⒀ to imprint Yan Xingyu of bad blown away by wind of Peng of delay! Thin Ju 8 Zhun of Cuo of black of chirp rotten expostulate with tadpole escapes correct Jin!
民组词、彝组词、 绾会、登程、传袭、盘礴、送新、盖高、国甥、蚩弄、卑体、龛暴、虫鹥、哀悃、自饰、嘉栗、稀松、剧州、着声、丹翘、尼父、民彝、