ē jǐng
意思解释:(A well)井名。在山东省阳谷县东北阿城镇。井水清冽甘美,用以煮胶,称为阿胶。
Hong Meng authentic does not have me, birds leakage day one. The embryo of content mother, room of Xuan of source Zuo . Dust of pity of the Supreme Being is anxious, without with Zhi Jiayi. Vigour does not spread benefit, zhi of shade of dimension civilian be ignorant of. Coagulate bear in order to yuan of dark, place of lustre capture goes out. Demons and monsters follows Zhi Qi, pillow flows by...
阿组词、井组词、 洗三、倍情、髡放、足印、棉蚜、油蛉、痛治、中济、白庭、四脚、荆阮、云鼛、繐衰、衔曜、凋年、扩被、门面、打孽、稚桑、阿井、