
shān yǔ

意思解释:(Eaves of cover with a straw mat)草庐。




With the pall that grass makes up. is the left assist that pass · fair 14 years :  of arc of radon of Lao of bay common go whoring just  of ⒚ cutout < high mountain hang down Mongolian oak is formic catch  ! Is : Of of Lao of astounded copy N Jiang Rong ancestor. By: Thin of  Ba  is Guo Wen of advance book · passed : Friendly umbrella of unoccupied place  of Shen of money of  of  of sole of banter of the house that make a heart smooth with a rake! Fu of green jade Piao seeks  of Zu of You Jin ⒉ by ナ those  ! Crouch to fold of  of  of Qian of coil  は

