kè zhú
意思解释:(Engrave candle)《南史·王僧孺传》:“竟陵王子良尝夜集学士,刻烛为诗,四韵者则刻一寸,以此为率。文琰曰:'顿烧一寸烛,而成四韵诗,何难之有。'”后因以喻诗才敏捷。 古人刻度数于烛,烧以计时。
south is child of monk of history · king passed : Boil buy sunshine Xiao Ziliang of malleolar Yong ) bachelor of the collect that taste night, quarter candle is a poem, 4 charm person engrave a inch, it is with this rate. hind with for the literary quotation with nimble poesy. Wu Wei course of study is Ling boudoir chanted on the west : Fly Yun of locust of of the be apt to that denounce Hui wining with dregs! Thin
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