dēng lǒng
意思解释:(Enter ridge in a field)原指站在市集的高地上操纵贸易,后泛指操纵和独占市场,牟取暴利。语本《孟子·公孙丑下》:“有贱丈夫焉,必求龙断而登之,以左右望而罔市利。”赵岐注:“龙断,谓堁断而高者也。左右占视,望见市中有利,罔罗而取之。”龙,通“垄”。 登上坟顶。 登上土埂。
The source sees dragon is broken . Point to a station to do vertical trade on the upland of bazaar formerly, generally refer to operates after and exclusive market, obtain sudden huge profits. bonze of gold of · of different of annals talking about fast : Arc of └ of Ou of of of ぃ of Gu of chart of ⒓ of ⅰ of shovel of ⒌ of the Jie that make smooth with a rake! Thin
登组词、垄组词、 撒诳、包粟、外伤、法界、女宿、龆齿、拍试、奸狡、调练、生肩、界朱、重颂、谷神、恬波、早成、出台、彘颅、过番、火船、登垄、