cù sǐ
意思解释:(Hurried is dead)立刻死去。常用以发誓或诅咒人。
< is ripe > destroy quickly quickly to death (cussword) . Lu Guanhua of look forward to. Shandong. plum of true capital bottle the 83rd: of the Mei that boil alcohol ' if fool you,be the; that I wear next picking up to get in garden a bitter edible plant yesterday originally, ~ ! ' ...
促组词、死组词、 晞景、媒子、蹈辙、垩笔、伴姑、骄猜、治阿、尸禄、妙绝、俊节、删采、溪毛、大纛、打矾、表章、侈家、鼠舞、龙龛、擅名、促死、