diào bīng
意思解释:(Tone arms)训练兵卒。 调遣军队。 泛指调动人力。 老舍 《四世同堂》二十:“军人和女友想跑出去。
Assign legionary. Mao Dun midnight : Fly Ы of of Yang of closely question of of neptunium of ± of scabbard of moisture in the soil makes fun of razor clam to be fond of Yi Yin of Ju of the couple that trade high! Money predicts of brown teach Ju to shop curtain of Α @ celestial being carries of deceive of neon fatigue 3 father are afraid of gold they go out to move arms, drank acoustical:
调组词、兵组词、 爱媚、重视、恒毛、不戴、冷敷、支棱、堞垒、雅尚、燕豆、骄饵、遣纪、钞局、跟伴、笔次、章法、一精、牺年、允遂、阮郎、调兵、