fū zhī
意思解释:(Skin knows)肤浅的见闻。
Skin F ū is used at the skin color of skin be a nass of bruises etc. ② is used at peripheral superficial skin outline etc. Mo skin the original complex form of a simplified Chinese character. [Jian Fan concerns] Mo it is echoism word, form accord with is a month (fleshy) , acoustical accord with is saved from Bao , original meaning is the skin of human body, skin. jade piece · meat department : Bay W, skin also. wide charm · suppositions...
肤组词、知组词、 木子、徇蒙、偷刻、建安、留日、惘惑、俗字、中涓、漫言、谷狗、布絮、好闻、司契、粉泪、百宗、切结、朝议、油幙、刊裁、肤知、