dù fǔ
意思解释:(Du Fu)(712—770) 唐代著名诗人。祖籍襄阳,生于河南巩县。字子美,自号少陵野老。世称杜少陵。杜甫被公认为唐代以来最伟大的诗人之一。著有《杜少陵集》
会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。杜甫《望岳》所向无空阔,真堪讬死生 (指马之才骏,能度越空阔,临危脱险)! 骁(xiao)腾(指骏马勇健超跃)有如此,万里…
Can become approach is zenithal, general view numerous hill is small. Du Fu Wang Yue to without open, true can Zhu is born to death (the Cai Jun that points to a horse, can spend jump over open, ) of dying escape from a danger! Brave (Xiao) is vacated (show courser Yong Jianchao is jumped) be like this, 10 thousand lis...
杜组词、甫组词、 青暝、山营、肆虣、天欃、后传、工夫、作雪、声腔、胶菜、傅郭、禄臣、画兴、艾酒、御侮、显旷、相步、方针、改移、驺殿、杜甫、