
wēi dòu

意思解释:(Power bottle)新莽为显示威严所作的器物,形似北斗。用为赏赐大臣的殉葬品。 用为赏赐大臣的殉葬品。参阅 清 钱大昕 《十驾斋养新录》卷一。




One kind when what Han Wangmang makes shows august implements. is Wang Mang of Chinese book · descendant : Ji of atmosphere of  of M of two of  of Wang of  of slash  of administer of  of regretful  word is dizzy Zhong of  of  of  of  of  waiting till bracelet of  of mulberry of be lame of < of  of Yi of ぶ of v/LIT all over the ground Yao of  of  of Shu of delay of Nao of  of the times ざ that punish  is long dust  of Sui of perch of С of  of  brown  !  of money Can dream is painful painful Hui envy is insipid Yu Sha!

