zǎo shì
意思解释:(Embellishments in writing)修饰;装饰。 修饰文词。
(1) is decorated. does the life say neologism · discard wastefuls : of Xing of S of Weng of basketry figured woven silk material alas of school of pond of joint of bones high mountain the that show ! 2) decorates diction. is affection of · of dragon of article heart carve collected : Thin
藻组词、饰组词、 苦难、众理、灼黥、题字、哗骇、蒙稚、遥堤、盘格、牵鱼、批复、搔把、裸壤、食糟、忠告、简拔、击冲、佛树、雄镇、过手、藻饰、