
xīng chí

意思解释:(Star gallop)形容速度很快。 在星夜急驰。 犹竞争。




If the shooting star runs quickly, appearance is sudden. Pan Yue Lei of emperor of world ancestor fierce : í of dam Jianx) ~ . (feather: of a call to arms  of fish hawk Liang hangs down  of Di of glutinous  Jian embraces  of Nai neon Liang to be fond of Xing of procuress of Ti farring away disconcerted Shou protects ② of of Qian of vulgar of  box peptone to describe everybody thick as hail, be like a shooting star to gallop. Wang Bo Teng Wangge foreword : 〔 of  of school of potato lifter of Yan of target big pool saves  ! : of male city Is potato lifter of N of food container Qian small

