yá nèi
意思解释:(Inside Ya)唐代称担任警卫的官员,五代和宋初这种职务多由大臣子弟担任,后来泛指官僚的子弟。 五代 及 宋 初,藩镇的亲卫官有衙内都指挥使、牙内都虞侯等,多以子弟充任。“牙”讹变为“衙”。后因称官府的子弟为衙内。 职官名。唐代的禁卫官,唐末宋初藩镇相沿以亲子弟领衙内之职,如衙内都指挥、衙内都监使。
< renown > the Five Dynasties and Song Chu, of Tang Dynasty military govenor defend an official to have in person direct inside Ya make, the Dou Yuhou inside the tooth, much by official children hold the position of, ya is because of weighing the official's children after inside. is Shui Hu passed the 7th: Gather up < chloric protects to fasten neon to go unexpectedly of lofty to instruct is long of to fold of carbuncle of army ! Thin
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