xiē cí
意思解释:(Some demit)犹些章。
[paraphrase and usage] one, renown measure word. 1. With numeral one combination, use before noun or substantival sex phrase, the share that represents person or thing is measured or a few, sometimes, numeral one can you omit: A few students of suddenly ┤ / a few guests / a few ladies / a few old ladies / a few children / a few tall men / a few old fat person / a few soldiers / a few flow...
些组词、辞组词、 朝庆、石镰、乖散、相映、邑金、撬杆、先逝、大化、丛错、痰盂、足板、橘监、门幕、筹饷、荷荷、排雷、庚暑、尘域、精新、些辞、