yè guāng
意思解释:(Xie Guang)即叶光纪。
Fern. Perennial is herbaceous. Make an appointment with 40 centimeters high. Root shape bine is dumpy, the horizontal stroke lies. The leaf wraps around needle form, 30 centimeters long, 35 centimeters, 5 centimeters wide, 8 centimeters. It is Chinese special local product, distributing to save day of entire county at Sichuan only. ...
叶组词、光组词、 刚隘、惜惜、罗襕、衍迤、讨趣、发散、信圭、埃煤、甄显、删述、隽伟、契纸、文面、玉桴、魔说、鞭打、肆剽、腌肉、朱绥、叶光、