
fá zhí

意思解释:(Punish straight)犹罚款。




(1) little guilt, fault. Pan Geng of · of a high official in ancient China : Fetch of saddle Scandium   of  of bosom of Sou of locust of Qi of dust  ┯ ! Does good: Pi X is broken. ) left pass · to become fair 2 years : Scar  of toad of  of  of  of    ! 2) punishs, punishment. Han Fei child · 5 moth : Basketry and lofty of calamity of Da of  of  of boundless and indistinct of brandish of  of Chu of  of school of suddenly of courtyard crotch canister! Rancorring of Ρ of Mou of aspic of dysentery of our Gang Yu in the government office in palace...

