
chǔ fèng

意思解释:(Chu Feng)《尹文子·大道上》载,楚国有人受骗,把山雉当凤凰,以重金购之,欲献楚王,经宿而鸟死,国人传为真凤凰,遂闻于楚王。“王感其欲献于己,召而厚赐之,过于买鸟之金千倍。”后因以“楚凤”称赝品。




Yin Wen child on · highway : My  says I jin a surname of article of excrement of the Song Dynasty of Fei of Zong Lu  is ill of  of big pool of sip of 5 o Zong ' phoenix also. ' does passerby say: Does nobelium of crab of  chair Pang make fun of  Duo to go straight towards Po of    to divide  ' say:  ' criterion 10 Jin Fu and, it is doubly please to it. Will desire Hunan king, classics is old and the bird is dead. Passerby not Huang cherish gold, alone wishs in order to show Hunan king. Compatriots passes...

