yùn zhǔ
意思解释:(Charm advocate)明中叶以后,盛行等韵之学。北京衍法、山西五台、四川峨眉、河南伏牛、浙江普陀等山寺皆有韵主和尚,以唱韵开悟学僧,时称小悟门,与参禅之大悟门并列。安徽黄山僧普门、语拙、虚谷师承等韵之学,相继为韵主教授师。
All one's life is resided from good building originally, besides receive Yu of Gao Renyong day. Be fond of country to enter honour an ancient sacrificial utensil in all, save writ from government office teaching screen. Feeling gentleman agrees to give new line, hate me to think of old careless cottage eventually. Plan to borrow Wei to compile Long Ma, ...
韵组词、主组词、 耳蜗、高直、鸟弋、绝顶、绒面、宫灯、鼍仙、市酒、天郊、萧曼、分佃、元作、衉血、秃友、过曲、叱令、肆览、古板、变轨、韵主、