chú yè
意思解释:(Divide night)除夕之夜;大年三十晚上。 指冬至前一日之夜。
Namely the New Year's Eve , the last night of year end. Du Shenyan is Shi Yanying of stay up late or all night on New Year's Eve made : of sunken diameter has walk on cease! Burn of of hail to joke makes B of a low bank of earth between fields smooth with a rake to receive lofty alone saliva р is straight only then just fat Gang before knowing Tang Rendong to come therefore one day, ...
除组词、夜组词、 腾逴、家什、制宜、拱听、快憾、匪色、轻贷、化驰、翔风、泣珠、换兑、朋旧、香莼、商中、岁光、作弊、广虚、裁断、吻别、除夜、