
zì zhèn

意思解释:(From brace up)自己振作起来。 自救;自给。




Brace up: Mei of タ of teach of Zhen T  stitch the sole to the upper of annulus of Fan a bitter edible plant embraces Zhen of grain of  of Yan narrow  : Does the member that does bamboo-plaited basket or suitcase no throw Gu Does Lv of Fu of ancient name for a kind of scorpion of hoarse of the trifoliate orange that steal Nai seek comfortable soul to bake Ting of ど of Pi of L of Suan of  of fawn on of Xi of  of ⒂ laborious Γ to invade dumpling of exuviate of Chu of Fu of  damask a legendary bird with poisonous feathers to send of Taoist sacrificial ceremony V :

