guān shū
意思解释:(Government-owned book)旧时由官方编修或刊行的书。 〈书〉指文书;公文。 政府收藏的书籍。
(The archives that 1) locals authorities. Ou Yangxiu is Long ridge a footpath between fields expressed : ⒁ of of Deng of of Ga liver blames Mou lofty ! Print and publish of2) feudal official or the book that collect. Lv Zuqian is academy of classical learning of white deer hole written down : Thin
官组词、书组词、 前登、宛雏、阳世、已后、乖次、捞攘、蕃衍、赤苦、掌拊、留髠、沛宫、考案、故实、煎炙、漂白、简恕、舆徒、变局、封鲊、官书、