hán é
意思解释:(Han E)相传为古代韩国的善歌者。《列子·汤问》:“昔韩娥东之齐,匮粮,过雍门,鬻歌假食,既去,而余音绕梁欐,三日不絶。”张湛注:“﹝韩娥﹞韩国善歌者也。”后因以“韩娥”指善歌者。亦借指歌妓。
Pass the person that it is song of archaic Korea be apt to. Han E crosses neat Yong Men to sell song holiday is fed, the song stops leave a lasting and pleasant impression, 3 days incessant. See row child · Shang Wen . The generation of the person that song of be apt to thinks then after or song prostitute says. ...
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