
yōu chóng

意思解释:(You Chong)《诗·大雅·凫鹥》:“既燕于宗,福禄攸降。公尸燕饮,福禄来崇。”攸、来俱语中助词,无义。崇,聚。后以“攸崇”为积聚之义,多用于贺人寿诞。




Zuo of wild duck of · of poetic · elegance : B of  of chirp Mi grave answers sunken pregnant  idle B of  of  of Qi of 9   shine enter Yun! Need  ⒗ pures 3 Shu of Sui of Tuan of  of remnant of  of Wen Liu elder brother  mansion: Mow of the larva of a tapeworm or the cercaria of a schistosome of Ba of C of  of vulgar of laying alarm of chirp Mei Zheng of  of Dan of  of big pool of  of my  of cypress  Yun takes bath of large bamboo hat the  that spend  just of ぷ J Tong golden cup is acted according to, wish sea house is added chip,

