běi wèi
意思解释:(Northen Wei Dynasty)北朝之一,公元386-534,鲜卑人拓跋珪所建,后来分裂为东魏和西魏。参看“南北朝”。 朝代名。亦称 后魏 (386-534)。 北朝 诸国之一。 鲜卑 人 拓跋珪 所建。后来分裂为 东魏 和 西魏。 指魏碑体。
< renown > dynasty name. Of water of the name of a river in Anhui Province afterwar, of postscript of Xianbei noble develop rebuilds at 386 years political power, calm dynasty title is the Kingdom of Wei after. History weigh Northen Wei Dynasty, hind the Kingdom of Wei, develop postscript the Kingdom of Wei, yuan the Kingdom of Wei (Xiao Wendi changes develop postscript surname to be yuan of surname) . Make the same score a city early or late (today Shanxi Great Harmony) , Luoyang. 534 years dissension is the Eastern Wei Dynasty 534-550, the Western Wei Dynasty. 550 years the Eastern Wei Dynasty 534-550 dies, In all 17 emperor,
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