yá guō
意思解释:(Cliff Guo)犹范围。
Ovine city Shan Wanwan, insert headroom partly half. Make the same score boiling water of water of far sheep town, boundless of its source clear torrent. The dragon on Mo Longchi flies, stars is beamed hang down Wen Chang. Renown virtuous allusion a Liu Yan, renown Huan Feng sheds a Xie Wang. Stone is not had into fine wet calm, ...
崖组词、郭组词、 五湖、伙食、阎王、骑军、外延、刚明、二代、青离、响字、怨嗔、一刹、客满、战团、睢于、区析、鄂托、逃墨、居里、供须、崖郭、