miàn shì
意思解释:(Area potential)亦作“面埶”。 方面;形势。《周礼·考工记序》:“或审曲面埶,以饬五材,以辨民器。”郑玄注引郑司农曰:“审曲面埶,审察五材曲直方面形埶之宜以治之及阴阳之面背是也。”孙诒让正义:“郑锷云:'审曲者,审其曲也。面埶者,面其埶也。材有曲直,直者不待审而可知,审其曲者,然后见其理之所在。埶有向背,背者不可向以为用,面其埶然后顺其体之所向。'……与先郑异,亦通。”后据郑注引申为建筑物和自然环境的情势、外观、位置。
Respect, situation. take an examination of labour to mark · total order : ) of situation of of Zuo of of Ji of full razor clam, in order to put in order 5 material, with differentiate civilian implement. does Zheng Xuan note the department that bring Zheng farming cloud: Ji Zuo makes fun of crisp of Wei of ⑿ of Jin of correct of thin ⒎ of that of Piao of Peng burnt fertile makes calamity smooth with a rake Xian San beautifuls show and ill! Does those darts compare mystery Zheng E cloud: of face of of of the name of a river in Anhui Province of earnest of of Lu of Ji person,
面组词、势组词、 忤累、撩乱、军国、亭槛、留爪、吁骇、齐禽、一茶、音名、村社、瘗玉、川流、永久、露形、水杉、材积、贪渔、骄豪、少数、面势、