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意思解释:(Join cabinet)汉扬雄校书天禄阁时,刘棻曾向雄问古文奇字。后棻被王莽治罪,株连扬雄。当狱吏往捕时,雄恐不能自免,即从阁上跳下,几乎摔死。后有诏勿问,但京师纷纷传语:“惟寂寞,自投阁。”见《汉书·扬雄传赞》。按扬雄作《解嘲》,有“惟寂惟寞,守德之宅”语,故云。后用为文士不甘寂寞而遭祸殃之典。
does Yang Xiong of Chinese book · express support : Regretful Wang Mang) kill abundant (Zhen Feng) father and son, cast (Liu ) 4 descendants, demit place is reached repeatedly, close to be not asked. When on cabinet of salary of day of male school book, the emissary that order case comes, be about to receive hero, hero fears cannot be being avoided oneself, go up from cabinet therefore from overhand, a few dead... have instruct not to ask; like that does Beijing division do it language say: ┘ pats steep toad of Yun! Does shut Xie of superintend and director of mansion of fermium of dainty cowardly aether
投组词、阁组词、 流红、陵衡、还质、凡羽、儆醒、微哂、州聚、庆洽、寸节、心师、熏掘、礼射、俶载、轮崇、角宿、俚洞、师吏、雕剧、臆算、投阁、