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意思解释:(Negative expose to the sun)冬天晒太阳取暖。语出《列子·杨朱》:“昔者宋国有田夫,常衣缊黂,仅以过冬。暨春东作,自曝于日,不知天下之有广厦隩室,绵纩狐貉。顾谓其妻曰:'负日之暄,人莫知者。以献吾君,将有重赏。'”蘧园有《负曝闲谈》。 引申为所献微薄。
Bask in the winter warm oneself. Hong Shen aromatic rice rice : Kong of full deficient ends flatter of of of of the Ren that sentence Huang grabs shank of mandarin orange of dimple of grand of curium mend with cramps! Thin
负组词、曝组词、 开航、漂寓、蜃精、隐幸、贞高、眼方、鲜妍、案队、内径、鳞皮、麻笺、新晴、撞突、幽芬、庄农、右选、专栏、恭奴、盘坫、负曝、