xīn chéng
意思解释:(Heart city)佛教语。比喻外缘不入的清净禅定之心。
【万众一心】wànzhònɡyīxīn 千万人一条心。形容齐心协力,团结一致。(一心:同一条心。)〈例〉只要我们坚持党的改革开放政策,上下团结,万众一心,眼前的困难是完全可以克服的。【众志成城】zhònɡzhìchénɡchénɡ 众人统一的意志…
[all the people of one mind] be of one mind of person of ten million of N of ī of X of ī of Y of ɡ of N of ò of W à Nzh. Appearance make concerted effort, solidarity. (: of of one mind of anxiety barefooteding copy < exemple > the policy of reforming and opening that wants us to hold to a party only, unite up and down, all the people of one mind, the difficulty before can be overcome completely. [unity is strength] the will with unified everybody of ɡ of N of é of Ch of ɡ of N of é of Ch of ì of Zh of ɡ of Zh ò N...
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