běi fá
意思解释:(Northern expedition)向北方进军征讨。 特指1926年至1927年国民革命军的北伐战争。这是第一次国内革命战争时期,在中国共产党领导下,以国共合作的统一战线为基础进行的一次反对帝国主义和封建军阀统治的革命战争。因这次战争从广东出师北伐,所以叫北伐战争。
1924, revolution of the countryman between 1927 army dispatch troops the war of expeditionary the Northern Warlords on north. [Exemple] does he think: colour magpie of colourful of have diarrhoea of brandish of unreal of Cong of of chaste tree of of of of Juan of mother of instrument of elder brother of of ソ of Ju Huansan Bei mires arrowy Yao takes off to bite brandish of perch of father of eyebrow of exhausted of hurry refute falls Piao by cape endowment ひ of mallet of the faint that cut defect into parts shine sigh
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