cāng mǎng
意思解释:(Cang Mang)无边无际的样子。 渺茫;迷茫。 形容意境、心胸、思想等深广、开阔的样子。
犹莽苍。郊野或天空一碧无际貌。《韩诗外传》卷四:“齐桓公问于管仲曰:‘王者何贵?’曰:‘贵天。’桓公仰而视天,管仲曰: ‘所谓天, 非苍莽之天也; 王者以百姓为天。’” 苏辙《黄楼赋》: “山川开阖, 苍莽千里。”…
You Mang dark green. Outskirt wild or the sky greens jade without border appearance. pass outside Han Shi roll 4: Does of eight windowing abdomen inspect of Quan Pie overstep one's authority ' Wang Zhe He Gui ' say: Qiong shank! of of overstep one's authority of Pie of of You Yu of of Tiao of abdomen ' so-called season, the Mang Zhitian that be not dark green also; Wang Zhe is a day with common people. ' Su Zhe is Huang Lou endowed with : Sha of Ю of of Yue of 〔 of of stand upright of sauce ! Thin
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