zhòng shì
意思解释:(Numerous inspect)众人的眼力。 众人的观瞻。
The abbreviation of televiewer. ◇ broadcasting television battlefront for 16 book size, chromatic cover, terminally 48 pages, set talk only... the column such as the character introduction, window that inspects public-address system of numerous report, country, domestic and international broadcasting television. (Fabricant of a few movie and TV are inspected to attract numerous, also removed force screen, already had ...
众组词、视组词、 体意、敬恭、继养、思古、杂然、吃空、飞冲、巳牌、插羽、内女、寒川、发征、小相、枲实、地阁、箴规、循走、瞻诸、淹久、众视、