shā qīng
意思解释:(Kill blueness)古时把书写在竹简上,为防虫蛀须先用火烤干水分,叫“杀青”。后泛指写定著作。 加工绿茶的一道工序,把嫩叶加高温烤软,破坏其中的酵素,防止发酵并使茶叶保持原有绿色,以便进一步加工。 古时造纸方法。参阅 明 宋应星 《天工开物·杀青》。
Ancient time makes the program of bamboo slip. Bake with fire go the moisture of bamboo slip, facilitating book is written and insect-resistant eat by moth. Hind final version of book of generally refer to. Liu You read : Ah widow of humble of the bath that spend faithful flesh of of street of crab of pregnant of humerus of to bang of the that choose !
杀组词、青组词、 饷项、髦期、贾楚、成任、澡豆、抢风、后效、鳏对、午门、霜菅、俗本、丁子、搏影、杂纪、碧溪、龛影、白费、初眠、题破、杀青、