
lōu chǔ

意思解释:(Cuddle place)搂抱处女。语出《孟子·告子下》:“逾东家墙而搂其处子,则得妻;不搂,则不得妻,则将搂之乎?”




[paraphrase and usage] renown measure word. Metric the quantity: of two arms so big that one can just get one's arms around A few cuddle of eunuch У static wheat straw / flower of one cuddle cuddle / when the road of the big extend that cultivate ∥ with two rough cuddle, cut down the white poplar with how many one thick cuddle, citizens are eristic in succession. / the ginkgo with two thick cuddle plants that a few trunk of a tree in the courtyard, all the year round green shade my day, bring people a cool and refreshing green world. / big...

