yǒu tái
意思解释:(Have a surname)古国名。姜姓,炎帝之后。周代后稷母姜嫄,为有邰氏女。故址在今陕西省武功县西南。有,词头。
Make. Ancient city name. Be in today Shaanxi gest is southwest. Week of according to legend a group of things with common features first ancestor after millet is on this to fair Liuding. Shi Daya Sheng civilian : Sunken shake from male ⒓ short for the Yihe River! of male ⒚ of of Man of C of hail attentively cut up with a hay cutter is saved!
有组词、邰组词、 战机、鸟贼、重岭、苘麻、正备、重订、款缓、嚼味、开具、诱惑、斗纷、业习、兴谕、攀谈、贯缗、灵规、辟踊、交倚、丰茸、有邰、