dà guī
意思解释:(Return greatly)谓妇人被夫家遗弃,永归母家。 谓最终的归宿;必然的趋向。 指死。
[Deputy] the thing that states subject indicates has some movement action mostly. Make adverbial modifier. But interpret is mostly . Mang Chuanzhong of king of Chinese book · : Fall into oblivion Liang of mu of dizzy of of officer of service of to bang Xing Yu of river of of shellfish of У of Yue of Qing of the Lian that carry summary Pi! cuts to fight square by) of Gu Yi of of fatigue of clear , give make explanation, say Wang Mang ought to replace Han Chaoxiang mostly...
大组词、归组词、 疆畔、课舡、蜡享、斫营、衙将、宗禋、仆质、独清、出格、运序、逸翩、毒虺、宫绫、弘博、空草、矜谅、山讳、人节、边官、大归、