
ròu zhú

意思解释:(Fleshy bamboo)泛指音乐。肉,声乐;竹,管乐。语本南朝宋刘义庆《世说新语·识鉴》:“武昌孟嘉作庾太尉州从事。”刘孝标注引《孟嘉别传》:“听伎,丝不如竹,竹不如肉,何也?”


生在竹子上的菌。又叫竹菇、竹蓐。《本草纲目·菜部五》: “竹蓐, 此即竹菰也, 生朽竹根节上, 状如木耳, 红色。 段成式《酉阳杂俎》云: ‘江淮有竹肉, 大如弹丸, 味如白树鸡, 即此物也。’” ②指管乐与歌喉。…


Be born in the bacterium on bamboo. Call bamboo stay of proceedings, bamboo to straw mat or mattress again. ministry of dish of · of detailed outline of a book on Chinese medicine 5 :  of pa stripping Cou < think of thick strip expostulate with of  of Zhun of Di of  of ∩ of  breaking Bo hopes  of  of diameter of let down with a rope of  ∽ kind warm up  ! abb moisture in the soil   of of Fen of Qu of silt of Lin of saliva of be good at team ' Jiang Huai has bamboo flesh, be like a bullet greatly, if flavour cultivates chicken in vain, namely this content also. ...

