
qīng gǔ

意思解释:(Green bone)晋干宝《搜神记》卷五:“蒋子文者,广陵人也。嗜酒好色,挑达无度,常自谓己骨清,死当为神。”后因以“青骨”指仙骨。 借指蒋子文。 指坚贞的品质、气概。




Jin Ganbao is search god written down roll 5: Ao  swims angry over sixty years of age of Lu  Lin ill J catchs level ground to cheat  of Dan of tall of sweat of dizzy outskirt of W of  of caries of pull up of engrave of   barge to bilk my  Chi! Bake scepter Bao bath gathers up rostellum just our drive bask in just K buzzs attain  breaks fat of umbrella of broil of confused children's hair green bone coagulates green marrow, the pubic region sends deep and remote light. White hair He Zudao, should make Shuang Tong square. However hind 500 years, ride a crane to return home. ...

