zhōng shì
意思解释:(Sergeant)军衔的一级,军士中的第二等级,低于上士,高于下士。 一般人。 指一般士人。
A kind of military rank, under the Staff Sergeant, prep above corporal. In November 1949 does medicine learn resume publication edition the 2nd eleventh period: of of the sunken capture that throw favour subtles thanking な is told bit more modernly, have a doctor already, have girl person surely. And in girl person, still have a black side, two black edges, reach the cent that does not have an edge, really alleged Staff Sergeant, sergeant, corporal. ...
中组词、士组词、 中利、台钟、翻盖、指靠、留眼、植苗、警秀、歹毒、翔涌、薄曲、睽离、剃头、备注、斜雁、弗弗、重修、照奸、迁藏、摅怀、中士、