
tí qí

意思解释:(Orange red neat)酒名。


红色的酒。《周礼·天官·酒正》: “四曰缇齐。” 郑玄注: “缇者, 成而红赤, 如今下酒矣。” 贾公彦疏: “下酒, 谓曹床下酒, 其色红赤, 故以缇名之。” 孙诒让正义: “贾云:‘曹床下酒。’曹,当作槽。下酒,盖糟…


Red wine. wine of · of official of weather of week ceremony · : Ge of wine of 8 heads meat or fish!   of of  of thin ≈ P the person that orange red, into Gong Chi, nowadays go with wine. Gu Gongyan scanty: ∥ of postscript join exhausted  tells  of Bo of Fei of  of Shen of ∑ of exhausted  of Jiao silkworm join the room is early long   ! Does thin ∷ darts compare   of mystery  Gu Yun: Pi of join of  Jiao silkworm! Is exhausted  of join of O of mansion of Da of fraud of  Sao  stolen scrupulously and respectfully

