
fù xiōng

意思解释:(Father and elder brothers)父亲与兄长。 泛指家中长辈,或用作偏义复词,指兄。 古代国君对同姓臣属的称呼。




(1) father and elder brother. · of the analects of confucius child rarely :  of grand of the larva of a tapeworm or the cercaria of a schistosome of Qu of  of clear of  of deer of my perch the larva of a tapeworm or the cercaria of a schistosome! 2) slants point to an elder brother. fly southeast the peacock : Unplug the star lives Hui of inclined ┤ of   pregnant lives! Elder of3) generally refer to, better. mandarin · Jin Yu 5 :  of deceive of  of Bo of Kou of barren of dispatch of the Pi that press midge is ill! my why...

