cái yǔ
意思解释:(Ability language)运用生僻的典故、词藻以显示机巧的言辞或文字。
Good the utterance that uses literary quotation. south is Wang Yikang of city of Peng of history · the Song Dynasty passed : Jian of Ping of ⒁ of bully red carries of Jiao of of Cou of situation Pi of Jian Di ' Deng Zhonghua Bai Gunzhi year old. ' justice Kang Yue: Add of Yu emperor is ill! of Xie heart ' land machine enters Luo Zhi year. ' justice Kang Yue: Jie of of Pang Ben of Da of of Ga of of of Liang of Yu joyous Lao! Is thin
才组词、语组词、 田径、皮软、虹星、瑞征、抬枪、精谛、轨距、顿饭、大言、嘉量、启陈、指宜、长蛾、四渎、道冠、革法、庙塔、棰杖、呵诘、才语、