jīng wéi
意思解释:(Classics curtain)犹经筵。古代君主研读经史之处。置儒臣侍读侍讲。
Former times person can be admired high, its Nai An Chuan why. Be in personally peep garden little, faithful take the way to deal with a situation much. Wild flower Yu is beautiful, lin Diao half caw song. Holy life is able and virtuous instruct, this crosses Confucian scholar answer. ...
经组词、帷组词、 需用、壶漏、指挥、行牙、贺电、松慢、羁独、下细、驿田、轩嚣、安近、警报、命关、京县、试摄、火采、百执、趋就、玄质、经帷、