
zhì zé

意思解释:(Make criterion)法度。 制定法度。




Grab thing of go ahead of the rest, hold active, can control adversary to; is like backward other and act, take a beating with respect to meeting passivity. Compare a he who strikes first gains the advantage, the helper suffers disaster after. The first year of an era or the reign of an emperor of Qin Ershi of 〔 exemple 〕 in July, a Dazezhong such as Chen She. Its in September, does meeting Ji Shoutong call Liang Yue:  of Yuan Chu of Ao  Gu does full of  of compose of  of  of ⒈ of  of Sheng of N of pigheaded  of Yu of ill N of money of  of Piao of Tong Yan a small tinkling bell endow with 

