
liè shǎn

意思解释:(Crack short for Shaanxi Province)相传周初周召二公分陕而治,周公治陕以东,召公治陕以西。陕即今河南省陕县。事见《公羊传·隐公五年》。后遂以“裂陕”谓朝廷大员出任地方长官。




does ram express · hidden from view fair 5 years : Scar Man blame the photograph of the emperor of of   Yao also. The photograph of the emperor criterion why 3 From short for Shaanxi Province east person, the; of week princess from short for Shaanxi Province on the west person, of call together princess. Be in inside. short for Shaanxi Province, point to today county of Henan province short for Shaanxi Province. Satisfy after with crack short for Shaanxi Province the literary quotation that takes up the post of magistrate for imperial court chancellery.

