chù yǐn
意思解释:(Touch bring)犹触发。
Move osculatory; to touch; to bump. [illustrative sentence] on the top of a wall now and then wave the piece snowflake that falls, one ~ was changed to her facial cheek. [synonymous] osculatory; touchs; to bump into disclose of; knock; [differentiate and analyse] touch emphasize particularly on to go up at enduring area lesser, time is short; contact emphasize be close to and endure on, compare between meantime touch long, scope of application is wider. ...
触组词、引组词、 除例、将助、鹬聚、薪炭、函电、九金、刺诗、讯簿、靴统、磆碌、吹弹、首演、总护、柳径、冬藏、州党、舆童、花信、饰室、触引、