qiān tài
意思解释:(Modest peaceful)《谦》《泰》均《易》卦名。《易·谦》:“《谦》,亨,君子有终。”孔颖达疏:“谦者,屈躬下物,先人后己,以此待物,则所在皆通。”爻辞有“九三,劳谦君子,有终吉。”《象》传:“劳谦君子,万民服也。”又《泰》:“天地交而万物通也,上下交而其志同也……君子道长,小人道消也。”《象》传:“天地交泰,后以财成天地之道,辅相天地之宜,以左右民。”后遂以“谦泰”谓君主能礼贤下士、君臣同心相交。
easy have modest divinatory symbols, peaceful divinatory symbols. easy · modest : Ah abdomen punishs cut up with a hay cutter of elder brother of bless of of yo > ! Shelter of frame short heaven and earth hands in everythings on earth to connect also, fluctuation is handed in and its annals is the same as also. hind with modest peaceful call liege ceremony virtuous corporal, jun Chen is homocentric intersect. Intermediate of article of aperture of the Song Dynasty make division plan :
谦组词、泰组词、 宝剑、八哥、风谷、杂佩、新鬼、名人名言、今日金价、北京时间校准、繁体字转换器、今日油价、bmi计算器、时间戳转换器、汉字转拼音、公积金贷款计算器、春节倒计时、高考倒计时、数字大写转换器、网络测速、美元兑人民币汇率、随机密码生成器